How to Jumpstart Your Fantomon FTM Adventure with Dark Matter DeFi Farming Rewards
We came across a post on twitter from the user 0xgondwana and decided to turn their image into a written guide.
Step One:
Since all 10,000 Trainers were minted you need to visit the PaintSwap NFT Marketplace and find one for sale. Purchase a Fantomon Trainer from the marketplace and you are ready for step two.
Step Two:
Next you visit the Fantomon website and proceed to the game by clicking “press start” at the top of the page.
Step Three:
Now you want to send your trainers to the healing rifts. After entering the game you will see various different information panels and button items. You want to find the button that says “DEPLOY ALL IDLE TRAINERS”. Click that button and metamask should pop up. Confirm transaction(s) and now your Trainers are deployed to the healing rifts earning you EntGunk and raising your trainers Healing.
Step Four:
You can also send your Trainers on journeys to raise their Courage. To send them on a journey you must visit the Old Fanto-Lab. Before you can send them on a journey you must click the “WITHDRAW ALL TRAINERS” button in the healing rifts. Now you will see your Idle trainers on the Old Fanto-Lab and you can send them on a journey. You don’t need to tip the DEV but you can!
After you Enter the Journey you can immediately Leave the Journey and send your Trainers back into the Healing Rifts. Remember to send your Trainers on a journey as often as they are able that way you can raise your courage and become a powerful trainer.
Step Five:
Using the EntGunk you are earning from Sending your Trainers to the healing Rifts and stake it to earn DMD (another fantomon food). Pair your EntGunk FTM at Spirit Swap and stake those LP Tokens in the Dark Matter DeFi EntGunk/FTM Farm for 240% APR.
Step Six:
Take the DMD you are earning from step five and stake it on the Dark Matter DeFi Partner Staking Pool page to earn FTM/PGUNK Liquidity Provider Token.
Step Seven:
Stake the FTM/PGUNK LP earned from the pool and stake it into the Dark Matter DeFi FTM/PGUNK LP Farm to earn more DMD which can also be used to earn more FTM/PGUNK LP token from step six.
We hope this guide has been helpful. This is in no way investment advice, please DYOR and remember DeFi is new. Please do your due diligence.
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