DMD Founders Token NFT Distribution

Dark Matter DeFi
2 min readOct 18, 2021


🪙 What is a Founders Token?
The Founders Token (FT) is the first Dark Matter NFT which we awarded to early adopters, community members, volunteers, the team and anybody who purchased the maximum buy in for DMD presale.

🪙 What do Founders Tokens do?
Soon FT’s can be staked into NFT Staking pools to earn $DMD! Founders Tokens at launch will give holders access to a private telegram group chat. Holding a FT provides users with exclusive access to contests, airdrops, and more!

🪙 Will you be able to buy and sell them after distribution?
Founders Tokens can be transffered using FTM Scan contract calls. Once NFTs Realm launches on FTM in late October you will have the ability to sell your FT’s on the Realm Marketplace.

🪙 How many Founders Tokens will there be?
The total amount is capped at 169.


This list does not include the people who purchased full amounts of presale. Those tokens will be distributed but we will need to find out who is holding them.

Jason — @CryptoJesterJason

Gumball @GumballKDM

Sandler @Troxler_01

Mia @Mia_Lexus

Adeleke Akinbobola @adelekeb1

Klaxon @loudestklaxons

Dark Catherine @cath2123

Aakash Gupta @great_aakash

Jon @Deadpilot08

Grant @GrantKCC

Ori @oridegengambler



Bethogle @cryptobethogle

Rayaan_NSN @rayaan_nsn

BimpxAdele @Snoopboy47

Dev Bizz @Devbizz24

Keith Daryl @KeithDaryl

D K @Deka66

VivantusBonus @Vivantusbonus

Lucifer Fartpocket


Jacky Masnaka @Masnaka

Solid Man @SolidManX

Nonim54385216 @madunayanajith


Grim reaper

Zak @Aku723

Knepela @knepala

Mik @revhead79

0x0 — Dark Matter Bill @billcashidy

Green+42069 @green42069

Dream @Dream_Palace_Crypto

Stoic Phoenix @StoicPhoenix

will @lilsqueeg

Andayrue @Trappin412

Aorlan @aobr95

Hamid @hamid_1372_2

White Hawk @Mac10Gav

Crypto Rango @Srango88

Renko @Rroperr

Crypto Girlfriend @CryptoGrlfriend

Sayed Mustafa @SayedMustafa_11

Chamath @Chama1

Ariane Ryle @BabyRyLe

Elephantul @Elephantul


CryptoDesh @CryptoDesh01

The Coyote @thecoyote99

Pungky @zrga21

Madalali @Madali0

Eli @PeaceloveandCrypto

Biggie Smalls

Mahdy Max

Sinclair @sincklair






Jerry @superdryc

Habatech @Godz_plan

Masha Arts @nft_mahsa

Shy Guy @shynoob

Bjorn @hellaquick

Barbz @Barbz062196

Meme Man

Jacob @jacob_nftsrealm

Sammy @shamnutella

IFN Ojan @OjanPayah

Gladiator @Gladiator_123

Freelance Demon @freelancedemon66

Sam Daibase to moon @Sam4x

Ted Binley @B0g_Champ

one time @Ggguyall

ding @jojoding

David @davfroz

Cosmo Kramer @TheK_ManCosmo

M.Rayhan @cryptorayhan

Peekaboothe farmer @earlzkiee

S Mohammad.hady @Mohammadhady_7

Milad @MiladTrx

General Blaze @GeneralBlaze

Travis XOXO @TravisXoXo

R3D888 @r3d888

Nadun @NadunNilupul


Ian Art- @elmachonacho

CryptopherCashDaddy @CryptopherCashDaddy

Ayobami @Snoopboy47

Brezki Cyber Crypto @RezekiBerkah969

Elephantul @Elephantul

Ape O;Clock @apeoclockboss

Crypto Bee @cryptobee7

Bthirsty @Bthirsty

Veronica @Magical_Cryptozoologist

Collector Hulk

Collector Hulk Brother

The First Titan



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