Dark Matter DeFi — Updated Road Map
It’s almost been three weeks since DMD officially launched on the Fantom Opera Network. Over those three weeks we delivered a long list of features, contests and fun for the community. Since launching we added multiple new farms and formed a couple of new partnerships.
Below you’ll see our updated road map, we hope you find the information insightful and exciting
Upcoming Releases
The Vaults are under way, the front end design implementation is completed and now the developers are configuring the vault contracts.
We will open with about 10 different Vault options, all auto-compounded and a lock period of 3 days. All non native Vaults will have a fee.
Users can expect the vaults to be released sometime between Monday November 1st to Sunday November 7th. We will have a more definitive date for the community some time early next week.
Information & Analytics Page
In an effort to help our users and provide as much transparency as possible. We will be building an information page displaying various different statistics about our project. Some of those statistics include TVL and Marketcap. You can expect the Information & Analytics mid to end of November.
November Timeline
- Vaults — There will be ten initial vaults options for users. All vaults will be auto-compounded with a 3 day locking period.
- Information & Analytics Page — On this page users can see the TVL, Marketcap and various other statistics.
- Partner Staking Pool Page — We are looking to add partner staking pools on our DAPP. This would allow users to stake DMD to earn a bunch of different tokens.
- Minor UI/UX updates — We got some feedback and noticed some things we wanted to fix. So we will do an overhaul of the entire front end, hopefully supporting 1440 and 4k.
- NFTs Realm Update — we hope to have an update on this and an official release date soon
- Finish NFT Series One Boxes
- Publish Lore with images on dmu.zone
- Audit by Obelisk begins November 1st
- Brand audit begins with Brand specialist.
December Timeline
- NFTs — Design leaks and development begins. On launch users will have the option to Mint NFT series #1 (limited amount TBD), stake Founders Token NFT and view their NFTs owned.
- NFTs Realm — Hopefully at this point we lauch the marketplace. Users will have the ability to sell the Dark Matter DeFi NFTs on NFTs Realm.
- Partnerships — We will continue to strengthen our existing partnerships and form new ones.
- Grants — We are looking into various different funding options for the projects.
Thank You
We want to show our gratitude to all of our users and supporters. The community has been great and we owe a lot of our success to you guys! We will continue to deliver features and updates. As always if you have any questions, comments or concerns please join us in telegram!