Dark Matter DeFi PreSale Information

Dark Matter DeFi
2 min readSep 5, 2021


When is the Presale? We are looking at starting the presale on September 14, 2021, pending development. We may need to push it back one week and will be fully transparent about that if so.

How Many KCS are you looking to Raise? We are looking to Raise 10,000 KCS

What Network will the Presale be on? The presale is on the Kucoin Community Chain network, (KCC). You will need to have KCS on KCC in order to participate.

What is the Minimum KCS I need to participate in the presale? The minimum is 1 KCS for 40 KDM.

1 KCS = 40 KDM? Yes, 1 KCS is = 40 KDM

What is the maximum KCS I can partitipate with in the presale? The maximum is 200 KCS for 8000 KDM.

200 KCS = 8000 KDM? Yes, 200 KCS is = 8000 KDM

Presale Price
10,000 / 400,000 = .025 KCS per KDM

Listing Price
8000/ 250,000 = .032 KCS per KDM

KCS/USDT Duel Staking Pool
2000 KCS Used

Total Breakdown:

  • KDM has a maximum total supply of: 85,000,000
  • Initial Supply: 10,000,000
  • 7.350.000 👉 NFT Staking Pools
  • 2.000.000 👉 Team,Partnership, Marketing. Note: these tokens will not all distributed initially, only a certain amount will go to the existing volunteer team with the remaining balance being used for future payments. Each volunteer team member will receive 8000 KDM which is the same value as a maximum presale buy in.
  • 400,000 👉 Presale
  • 250,000 👉Liquidity

If you have any further questions please join us in telegram and feel free to ask one of our Generals or Colonels t.me/defichatx



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