Dark Matter DeFi Obelisk Audit Report

Dark Matter DeFi
1 min readNov 21, 2021


In early October the Obelisk team started auditing Dark Matter DeFi’s Smart Contracts, the MasterChef, the DM Token and Timelock Contracts. The DMD team worked closely with the Obelisk team to remedy any findings. The biggest issue found was the short duration time lock for the MasterChef contract. The DMD team quickly fixed this issue by changing the timelock to 72 hours, the length of time recommended by the Obelisk team. No critical or major issues were found by the Obelisk team in any of the Dark Matter DeFi contracts.

In total there were 8 total findings ranging from informational to low risk. Some findings remain open because they would require deploying a new MasterChef contract, something the team is not willing to do at this time. The only findings that remain open are low risk or informational.

Full Obelisk Audit Report


Contracts Audited

DarkMatter.sol https://ftmscan.com/address/0x90E892FED501ae00596448aECF998C88816e5C0F#code

MasterChef_DarkMatter.sol https://ftmscan.com/address/0x7c36c64811219cf9b797c5d9b264d9e7cdade7a4#code

MasterChef Timelock https://ftmscan.com/address/0xc33252B8F55750AF89e012Da075F893175126648#code

Dark Matter Token Timelock https://ftmscan.com/address/0xabd9f9ab95804a6d22a485094bb4c3b544a2a831#code



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