Dark Matter DeFi Monday Weekly Update

Dark Matter DeFi
2 min readFeb 1, 2022


Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

Recap From This Week

Interview with Sam Rexford

Our Founder Biel Cashidy went on a YouTube Live show with Sam Rexford to speak about Dark Matter DeFi, Crypto, NFTs and a bunch of other topics. You can listen to the interview here.

FantomSquad NFT Staking Pools

We added a new NFT Staking pool for our Partners FantomSquad. The rewards are 200,000 DMD tokens distributed amongst stakers over a one month period. The pools are open now on DarkMatterDeFi.com. Visit the “My NFTS” page and click the purple “FantomSquad Bats” filter at the top. Click approve and then click stake. Harvesting is easy, just click the harvest button. You can see the amount of DMD earned by clicking the “all” filter at the top.

Founder Token Charity Auction Completed

The DMD team is proud to announce that the Charity auction for the Founders Token was a success! The FT sold for 300 FTM, 100% of the proceeds were donated to Direct Relief. It’s not a whole hell of a lot of money but it is $600 more than they had an hour ago.

Dark Matter DeFi Development Updates

We updated small simple items for the UX/UI on darkmatterdefi.com. We added NFT staking Pool APR.

Coming Up This Week

Chinese New Year Fantom Projects Meetup

Dark Matter DeFi will be participating in the Chinese New Year Fantom Projects Meetup. Please join us this coming Tuesday Feb 1st for a fun filled event. 21 projects, some bigger some smaller, some younger some older, providing a huge variety of blockchain services, will meet and discuss the most pressing issues of the development of the Fantom ecosystem.

Sunday Discord Battles

This Sunday Feb 6, 2022 we will hold our second Discord Battles event. There will be NFT prizes so be sure to come join us in discord and start practicing. This past Sunday we gave away a Founders Token, a bunch of Room Pixies and some Chonk Cats.

Series #2 Release Date

The next NFT drop coming from Dark Matter DeFi will be here very soon, like very very soon. Likely this coming weekend. More information will be released as the week progresses and ultimately we will announce the official Mint Date.



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