Dark Matter DeFi — Founder Token Charity Auction
We are auctioning off a Founders Token NFT listed on Paintswap Marketplace. 100% of the sale proceeds will be donated to Direct Relief via the Giving Block Crypto Donation platform.
The mission of Direct Relief is to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergency situations by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources needed for their care.
At Dark Matter DeFi we strive to make a difference by impacting peoples lives in a positive way. That’s why we decided to auction off Founders Token #14. This NFT can be staked in the Dark Matter DeFi NFT Staking Pools. We hope all of our friends, partners and the rest of the Fantom Community can join in on this act of kindness.
Auction Details
- 1 Founders Token NFT ID #14
- Starting Price 300 FTM
- Hosted on Paintswap Marketplace
- Auction Duration is 7 days
- 100% of proceeds donated to Direct Relief
Transaction Transparency
We will post all transactions pertaining to the donation on our public twitter platform.
Direct Listing to Paintswap Auction