Dark Matter DeFi Farms and Pools Official Launch
You said tomorrow yesterday! I know I did and I apologize for that! I feel like I shouldn’t have to apologize though. Check it out we are almost there but again we want to test a few things. Our developers have been hard at work and the rest of the team is engaging with the community running contests and giving out prizes. Use this opportunity to win a prize, tell a friend about DMD, get to know the community and meet some friends.
The Farms are just about ready but we want to use the next 24 hours for testing to ensure that everything is in order and looking good. We understand that a slight delay could cause and tiny bit of concern but you all have seen how hard we’ve been working and delivering.
Official Farm Rewards Start:
Tuesday October 12 @ *4:00 PM UTC
We will share the masterchef contract a couple hours before the rewards for pools and farms start that way everyone can stake their LP and DMD tokens to earn maximum return. The masterchef is out there you can find it easily if you do some reading.
We Wanna Say Thank You
Thanks to the community and everyone else for all the support and excitement over the last 24–48 hours. We appreciate every single one of you and we look forward to building the Dark Matter Universe.