Dark Matter DeFi Community AMA

Dark Matter DeFi
3 min readOct 16, 2021

Hello Dark Matter Aliens!

As we have 2 upcoming AMA’s within the next few days we decided to do the community AMA through here on Medium. There will still be 5 Founders Tokens rewarded to the top five questions (We will announce the winners on Twitter). As we had a lot of questions and some were very similar we will be summarizing them to make them clear and concise!

Everything here was written by myself Dream (@Dream_Palace_Crypto), if you have any further questions just reach out to me through our Telegram!

Q: A couple of weeks ago Dark Matter decided to launch on Fantom instead of KCC. What are the advantages of choosing Fantom over BSC or other chains?

A: We moved to Fantom because KCC just did not have a large or growing user base which means the cap on money in the network was low. With BSC there are so many projects but they do offer rewards to top projects and we wanted to move somewhere similar but smaller and growing fast and FTM checked those boxes.

Q: What is the use case that makes you different from other DeFi projects?

A: We built Dark Matter to bring a unique twist to existing proven use cases that reward our holders and feed back into the Dark Matter ecosystem. We do not want to reinvent the wheel but we want to upgrade the wheel to its best possible version.

Q: Just a simple question… have you enjoyed creating the Dark Matter universe $DMD so far?

A: I think I can speak for the whole team when I say its been nothing but a blast and it gets more fun day over day. Every partnership we build and goal we hit gives us the ability to expand plans we have been creating for months and get to working on them earlier than planned. We have so much coming for our users over the next few weeks that will be laying the strong groundwork for our long future!

Q: I have seen that there are many NFT-related functions on DMD. What are the advantages compared to other products on the market?

A: We see that the NFT market is flooded with tons of NFT’s with no uses, once you buy them you get no value from it until you sell. NFT’s should be working for you, and there are plenty of projects who have showed that to be a viable and rewarding feature for all users! We will keep expanding more use cases for our NFT’s as we progress further to continue rewarding holders!

Q: In order for this project to get more investors, does the team have plans to extend this project to different chains?

A: It is something we do have in our future plans but we do not feel that it is anytime near. We want to build the best platform we can on Fantom ,and right now with the continued efforts of the Fantom Foundation to reward good projects and build its network we feel for now its best to focus our efforts here.

Q: Will Dark Matter DeFi be getting an audit?

A: We are currently in talks with two large audit companies and will announce when and who we have applied to when it is set in stone.

Q: I noticed your layout is similar to that of a traditional decentralized exchange, do you have any plans to add a swap feature?

A: We have used the familiar layout as it is what most people recognize and are comfortable using. We do not have plans to add an exchange as for now we do not feel it is needed with our upcoming use cases that will build value to our ecosystem.

Q: What plans do you have to expand and engage with more DMD Hodlers?

A: We will continue to run contests as well as build partnerships that are beneficial for us and our partner. The more we grow the more we will reward our community and users through the same methods we do now or other methods. NFT staking will be just one of many ways our long term holders will earn.

Thank you for all of your questions!



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